Event Swag Your Attendees Will Love
When it comes to event planning, good swag is like sprinkles on a well-iced cupcake. Sure, it’s already a good cupcake, but that seemingly small touch just made it extra good. You’ll remember that cupcake. The next time you have a sweet tooth, you’ll go for another one of those cupcakes.
Event swag is your chance to be memorable. It can be a well-thought-out momento that impresses and even delights your potential customers... or it can be time, money, and opportunity wasted.
Swag Dos:
Mobile device chargers
WHY? Most modern events demand heavy mobile device usage, and your potential customers will feel the drain. Empowering them (and their devices) with a mobile battery backup charger ensures they have the juice to get through the day, and just as important, a reason to remember your business.
Umbrellas (or Sunglasses, Mini-Fans, etc)
WHY? Consider the location of the event and the time of year. Is it likely to be rainy or snowy? Since umbrellas pack down small, they can be a savior for business travelers, and recipients are more likely to hold onto them. And in the event of inclement weather, everyone will see your company logo repelling rain and know who saved the day.
WHY? With all the pens your guests have stockpiled from previous events, they would probably welcome a place to use them. Having your company logo on a classic Moleskine notebook makes a statement, and is likely to stay in their hands well after the event.
As an added bonus, provide a surprise inside your Moleskine. A custom page insert with helpful information (eg. event map, day’s agenda) makes your notebook even more useful. Or try a custom printed bookmark that doubles as a coupon, drawing customers to your booth, website, Facebook page, etc.
Swag Don’ts:
Hot Sauce (or other liquid)
Why not? Chances are your guests will be traveling to and from your event. What’s less fun than traveling all day? Having to be pulled aside by TSA and ordered to dispose of the 5oz bottle with your company logo all over it. Or worse, their checked bag arriving at the luggage claim smelling distinctly of Frank’s Red Hot.
Pens, Keychains, Bottle-Openers, etc. etc.
Why not? Well, count how many of these you have lying around. Either your answer is “none”, because you are inundated with these generic freebies and throw them away at first opportunity, or your answer is “like a drawer-full” because you hate to waste.
Either way, whether buried in trash or under 100 other logo-pens, the chance that it will generate any business is slim.
The exception is if your pens are included with branded notebooks, in which case your pens have a much higher chance of actually being used.
Why not? Some may argue that everyone will want a backpack to throw all the free pens and keychains into. While this may initially seem a great idea, it is a lot of money to spend on something that will likely become a pre-trash bag. Backpacks are also bulky, not so classy, and not likely to be used after the event. After all, how likely are you to wear another company's logo-branded backpack to your next business meeting?